Link to IRINS/Vidwan Research Profile
Area of Research
Research Project
Reviewer for Journals / Conferences:
Book chapter
Link to IRINS/Vidwan Research Profile
Area of Research
Conducted Workshop for students on "Embedded Systems and Applications using Raspberry pi" at IIIT, Pune.
Link to IRINS/Vidwan Research Profile
Area of Research
Research Project
Reviewer for Journal / Conference
Book Chapters
Name |
Registration |
Area |
Status |
1. Ms. Vaijayanti Panse, Academic |
Jan-19 |
Cooperative Communication System |
Awarded |
2. Mr. Sambhav Jain, Sc-F, DRDO |
Jul-20 |
Navigation and Control (UAV) |
Awarded |
3. Ms. Yogita Gabhane, Academic |
Jul-20 |
Image Processing |
Ongoing (Jointly with Dr. Vipin Kamble) |
4. Mr. Amit Gupta, Sc-F, DRDO |
Jul-20 |
Signal Processing (Direction Finding) |
Ongoing (Jointly with Dr. Ashwin Kothari) |
5. Ms. Saroj Sahu, Academic |
Jul-20 |
Visual Light Communication |
Ongoing (Jointly with Dr. Prabhat Sharma) |
6. Ms. Nutan Gulabrao |
Jul-21 |
Image Processing |
Ongoing (Jointly with Dr. C. M. Sakode) |
7. Ms. Pranali Langde |
Jan-23 |
Communication |
Ongoing (Jointly with Dr. Mayur Parate) |
8. Mr. Manish Singh |
July-23 |
Blockchain in Communication Network |
Ongoing (Jointly with Dr. Shankar Bhattacharjee) |
9. Mr. Dhurv Srivastava |
Jan-24 |
Autonomous Vehicles |
Ongoing |
10. Ms. Radhika Harne |
July-24 |
Communication 6G |
Ongoing |
11. Ms. Gauri Gupta |
Jan-25 |
Image Processing |
Ongoing (Jointly with Dr. Harsh Goud) |
Link to IRINS/Vidwan Research Profile
Area of Research
Research Project
Reviewer for Journals / Conferences:
Link to IRINS/Vidwan Research Profile
Area of Research
Conducted workshop on Antenna Design and Simulation in VNIT, Nagpur and IIIT, Nagpur.
Link to IRINS/Vidwan Research Profile
Area of Research
Link to IRINS/Vidwan Research Profile
Area of Research
Research Project
Reviewer for Journals / Conferences:
M.E. / M. Tech.
B.E. / B. Tech. (2)
Institute level responsibilities
Departmental level responsibilities
Area of Research
Graphene, Semiconductor Devices, Electronics Materials,Microwave Devices for 5G/6G communications, Wide bandgap semiconductors, including organic materials, and related heterostructures and devices, Nano electronics.
Reviewer for Journal
11. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “The Promise of Graphene: A Survey of Microwave Devices based on Graphene,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 48-65, Feb. 2020. (IEEE, SCIE, I.F.: 3.062, h-index: 83) DOI: MMM.2019.2951967
10. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Numerical Study of Magnetic Field Effect on Graphene based IMPATT Source,” Superlattices and Microstructures (Now Micro and Nanostructures), vol.137, pp. 1-7, Jan. 2020. (Elsevier, SCI, I.F.: 3.22, h-index: 80) DOI:
9. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, MonojitMitra, “Quantum Corrected Drift Diffusion based Noise Model for Impact Avalanche and Transit Time Diode,” Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 128, pp. 402-407, Apr. 2019. (Elsevier, SCI, I.F.: I.F.: 3.22, h-index: 80) DOI:
8. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Effect of acoustic phonon scattering on impact ionization rate of electrons in monolayer graphene nanoribbons,” Applied Physics A, vol. 124, Article no. 762, pp. 1-8, Nov. 2018. (Springer, SCI, I.F.: 2.983, h-index: 154) DOI:
7. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Prospects of Impact Avalanche Transit Time Diode based on Chemical Vapor Deposited Diamond Substrate,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 48, no. 02, pp. 1044-1053, Feb. 2019. (Springer, SCI, I.F.: 2.047, h-index: 102) (Published by Springer on behalf of IEEE Electron Devices Society and The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society) DOI:
6. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Noise Performance of Avalanche Transit Time Devices in the presence of acoustic phonons,” Journal ofComputational Electronics, Vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 222-230, Mar. 2019. (Springer, SCIE, I.F.: 1.983, h-index: 37) DOI:
5. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Modeling and computation of double drift region transit time diode performance based on graphene‐SiC,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 32, no. 05, pp. 1-11, Sept. 2019. (Wiley, SCI, I.F.: 1.436, h-index: 31) DOI:
4. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Computation of Quantum Corrected Noise in Graphene-SiC based Impact Avalanche Transit Time Diode,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 1-7, Sep. 2020. (Wiley, SCI, I.F.: 1.436, h-index: 31) DOI:
3. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Estimation of Power Density in IMPATT Using Different Materials,” International Journal of Electronics, vol. 107, no. 5, pp. 740-754, May 2020. (Taylor & Francis, SCI, I.F.: 1.336, h-index: 52), DOI:
2. Arunjith KS, Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Design and analysis of novel Tri-band band pass filter for GSM, WiMax and UWB applications,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 118, no. 6, pp. 3457–3467, Jun.2021. (Springer, SCIE, I.F.: 2.071, h-index: 65), DOI: 10.1007/s11277-021-08188-7
1. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Space Charge Studies in Graphene based Avalanche Transit Time Devices,” Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 155, pp. 1-8, July 2021, article no. 106899. (Elsevier, SCI, I.F.: 3.22, h-index: 80). DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2021.106899
SCOPUS Journals:
4. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, MonojitMitra, “Ka band noise comparison for Si, Ge, GaAs, InP, WzGaN, 4H-SiC-based IMPATT diode,” International Journal of Electronics Letters, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 107-116, Mar. 2019. (Taylor & Francis, Scopus, h-index: 9) DOI:
3. Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, MonojitMitra, “Space Charge Effect of IMPATT diode using Si, Ge, GaAs, InP, WzGaN, 4H-SiC at Ka-Band,” IETE Journal of Education, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 61-66, 2017. (Taylor & Francis) DOI:
2. J. Sengupta, G. C. Ghivela, A. Gajbhiye, M Mitra, “Measurement of noise and efficiency of 4H-SiC IMPATT diode at Ka-band,” International Journal of Electronics Letters, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 134-140, Jun. 2016. (Taylor & Francis, Scopus, h-index: 9) DOI:
1. S. J. Mukhopadhyay, Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, MonojitMitra, "Prospects and Potentiality of Diamond based DDR IMPATTs in THz Regime," International Journal of Electronics Letters, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 36-46, Mar 2021. DOI: & Francis, Scopus, h-index: 9)
Book Chapters:
3. G. C. Ghivela, S. J. Mukhopadhyay, J. Sengupta, M. Mitra, “Potentiality of Impact Avalanche Transit Time diode as Terahertz Source based on Group-IV and III-V semiconducting materials,” in A. Biswas et al. (eds) Emerging Trends in Terahertz Solid-State Physics and Devices, pp. 65-75, Mar 2020, Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-3235-1_5 (ISBN No. 978-981-15-3234-4)
2. G. C. Ghivela, and J. Sengupta, “Effects of Space Charges in IMPATT Source at Terahertz Regime,” in A. Biswas et al. (eds) Emerging Trends in Terahertz Engineering and System Technologies,Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-9766-4_2 (ISBN No. 978-981-15-9765-7)
1. B. Jothe, G. C. Ghivela, J. Sengupta, “Parasitic Series Resistance for 4H-SiC and Diamond Based IMPATT Diode at Ku band”, in VCAS 2018 presented at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, 29th Nov. 2018. (Appear In: Dutta D., Kar H., Kumar C., Bhadauria V. (eds) Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engg, vol 587. pp. 617-625, Dec. 2019, Springer, Singapore).DOI: (WoS) (ISBN No. 978-981-15-6840-4)
International Conferences:
12. G. C. Ghivela, J. Sengupta, “Prospects of black phosphorous in transit time devices,” presented in VCAS 2022 at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad.
11. P. Kumar, G. C. Ghivela, J. Sengupta, Design and Analysis of Triple Band BPF Using Stub added Ring Resonator, 6th (IEEE) International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC) by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), at Kolkata, 28th Nov. 2018, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/IMaRC.2018.8877319. Publication: 21 October 2019
10. G. C. Ghivela, P. Kumar, S. Tiwari, J. Sengupta, “Performance of 4H-SiC IMPATT Diode at Ka- and W-band with Temperature Variation”, presented in VCAS 2019, at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, 28th Oct. 2019. (Appeared in Lect. Notes Electrical Eng., David Harvey et al. (Eds): Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing, 10.1007/978-981-15-6840-4_3, vol. 683, pp. 33-40, Oct 2020.
9. ChittiUday Lakshmi Amulya, Girish Chandra Ghivela, AmishaTurkel, SamruddhiMeshram, JoydeepSengupta, “DC Analysis of Black phosphorous based IMPATT diode”, presented at IEEE 1st ICESIP 2019, IIITD&M, Kanchepuram on 04th July 2019, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/ICESIP46348.2019.8938346. Publication: 23 December 2019
8. Amit Kumar, Girish Chandra Ghivela, Sukanya Roy Choudhury, ArukalaSupriya, JoydeepSengupta, “A Steady State Analysis of Boron Nitride DDR IMPATT Diode”, presented at IEEE 1st ICESIP 2019, IIITD&M, Kanchepuram on 04th July 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICESIP46348.2019.8938381. Publication: 23 December 2019
7. Nitin Dambhare, Girish Chandra Ghivela, JoydeepSengupta, “Microstrip Patch Antenna with PIN Diode as Frequency Selector for CR Applications” presented at ICAEEC 2019, IIIT, Allahabad on 31st May 2019,Available atSSRN: or Publication: 13 April 2020
6. Sharvari Holey, ShivaniNavsalkar, TanviDhande, MihikaDaga, Girish Ghivela and JoydeepSengupta, “A Spy Robot for Military Applications”, presented at JNEC, Royal University of Bhutan, Dewathang, 8-10 Mar. 2019.
5. K. Bramhapurikar, A. Prabhune, S. Chavan, G. C. Ghivela, J. Sengupta, A Wearable Posture Corrector Device, 9th (IEEE) ICCCNT, at IISC, Bengaluru, 10th July. 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ICCCNT.2018.8493960 (WoS) Publication: 18 October 2018
4. P. Kumar, G. C. Ghivela, J. Sengupta, Design and Analysis of Dual-band Circular Patch Antenna for IoT Application, 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON 2018) organized by the IEEE Madras Section, presented at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, 16th Dec. 2018, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/INDICON45594.2018.8987096. Publication: 16 March 2020
3. G. C. Ghivela, P. Kumar, J. Sengupta, “Numerical measurement of oscillating parameters of IMPATT using Group-IV and Group III-V materials,” presented in VCAS 2018 at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, 29th Nov. 2018. (Appear In: Dutta D., Kar H., Kumar C., Bhadauria V. (eds) Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 587. pp. 405-412, Dec. 2019, Springer, Singapore). DOI: (WoS)
2. P. Kumar, G. C. Ghivela, J. Sengupta, Design and Analysis of Multiple bands Spider Web shaped Circular Patch Antenna for IoT Application, 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE-2018), at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, 13th Dec. 2018. pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IICPE.2018.8709444. (WoS) Publication: 09 May 2019
1. P. Kumar, G. C. Ghivela, J. Sengupta, Optimized N-Sided Polygon Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for UWB Application, 10th (IEEE) ICCCNT, at IIT Kanpur, 06th July. 2019. pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT45670.2019.8944343 (WoS) Publication: 30 December 2019
Research Area :
Reviewer in international journals:
Journal Articles
Conference Proceedings
Books and Chapters
Reviewer for Journals:
circularly polarized composite antenna”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley), 59 (6), 2017.
Area of Research
Reviewer for Journal
SCI/SCIE Journals:
1. Rajanish Kumar Singh, and M. Thottappan, “Simulation Investigations and Optimization of a Millimeter-Wave Gyrotron for Its Tunability Using Magnetic and Thermal Tuning Schemes,” IEEE Transactions Electron Devices, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 3580- 3586, Jun.2019.
2. Rajanish Kumar Singh, and M. Thottappan, “Design and PIC Simulation Studies of Millimeter-Wave-Tunable Gyrotron Using Metal PBG Cavity as its RF Interaction Circuit,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 845 – 851, Feb.2020.
3. Rajanish Kumar Singh, Akash, and M. Thottappan, “Design and simulation investigations of high-power millimeter-wave gyrotron,”Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 744-758, Apr. 2020.
4. Rajanish Kumar Singh, and M. Thottappan, “Design and Investigations of Millimeter Wave Gyrotron with Multi-Section Slightly Tapered RF Cavity for DNP/NMR Spectrometer Application,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 1097 – 1104, Mar.2021.
International Conferences:
1. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan, “Mode Analysis and Design of PBG Cavity for Tunable Gyrotron,”In 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2019.
2. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan, “Design and simulation of CW tunable gyrotron using PBG cavity as its RF circuit,”In 2018 11th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), pp. 299-302,IEEE,2018.
3. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan, “Design and cold simulation of a metal PBG cavity for sub-millimeter wave gyrotron,”In 2017 Eighteenth International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), pp. 1-2,IEEE,2017.
4. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan,“PIC simulation of a millimeter wave gyrotron for DNP/NMR application,”In 2016 11th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), pp. 746-748,IEEE,2016.
5. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan “Design and simulation studies of a metal PBG cavity for millimeter wave gyrotrons,”In 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), pp. 4582-4582,IEEE,2016.
6. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan,“Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation of a 250GHz gyrotron,”In 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), pp. 4423-4423,IEEE,2016.
International Conferences:
1. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan, “Design and Cold Simulation of Metal PBG Cavity for THz Gyrotron,” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Vacuum Electronics Devices and Application, 17-19 November 2017, IIT Roorkee,India.
2. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan,“PIC Simulation Studies of a High power Millimeter Wave Gyrotron," National Conference on Emerging Trends in Vacuum Electronics Devices and Application, 16-18 March 2017, Gandhinagar, Gujrat,India.
3. Rajanish Kumar Singh and M. Thottappan. " Design and Simulation Study of a Millimeter wave Gyrotron for DNP/NMR Applications," National Conference on Emerging Trends in Vacuum Electronics Devices and Application, 16-18 March 2017, Gandhinagar, Gujrat,India.
4. Rajanish Kumar Singh, Ashutosh and P. K. Jain,“Asymptotic Analysis of the Two Dimensional Metal PBG structures," National Symposium on Vacuum Technology and Its Applications to Electronics Devices and System, 11-13 November 2009, CEERI Pilani, Rajasthan,India.
Journal Articles
1. Khuraijam Nelson Singh & P.K. Dutta. (2022). Analytical investigation of a split double gate graded channel field effect transistor for biosensing applications. Silicon, Springer. (SCIE IF: 2.941)
2 Khuraijam Nelson Singh & P.K. Dutta. (2021). Analytical modeling of underlap graded channel field effect transistor as a label-free biosensor. Superlattices and Microstructures, Elsevier, 155, 106897. (SCIE IF: 3.220)
3. Khuraijam Nelson Singh & P.K. Dutta. (2020). Analytical modeling of a high-K underlap dielectric- and charge-modulated silicon-on-nothing FET-based biosensor. Journal of Computational Electronics, Springer, 19(3), 1126–1135. (SCIE IF: 1.983)
Book Chapter
1. Khuraijam Nelson Singh & P.K. Dutta. (2020). Analytical Design of FET-Based Biosensors. In Advanced VLSI Design and Testability Issues, CRC Press, pp. 147-167, ISBN- 9781003083436
Conference Proceedings
1. Khuraijam Nelson Singh, A. Jain, & P. K Dutta. Analysis of Split Gate Dielectric and Charge Modulated SON FET as Biosensor. In R. Bera, P. C. Pradhan, C.-M. Liu, S. Dhar, & S. N. Sur (Eds.), Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking (Vol. 662, pp. 215–221). Springer Singapore. (SCOPUS)
2. Vikash Pandey, Khuraijam Nelson Singh, & P. K. Dutta. (2020). Analysis of Stack Gate Oxide Nanogap Silicon on Nothing (SON) for Biosensing Application. SSRN Electronic Journal.
3. Khuraijam Nelson Singh & P. K. Dutta. Comparative Analysis of Underlapped Silicon on Insulator and Underlapped Silicon on Nothing Dielectric and Charge Modulated FET based Biosensors. 2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 231–235. (SOPUS)
4. Khuraijam Nelson Singh & Tarunkumar, H. A review on various multipliers designs in VLSI. In 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), pp. 1-4, 17-20 Dec, 2015, New Delhi, India. (SCOPUS)
Area of research:
Research Interest:
Review Services:
Journal & Conferences
Adjunct Asst. Prof
Conference and Journals
Adjunct Asst. Prof
Wireless Communication, IoT, Free Space Optical Communication
Journal Articles
2021 Tushar S. Muratkar, Ankit Bhurane, Prabhat Kumar Sharma and Ashwin Kothari, Physical Layer Security Analysis in Ambient Backscatter Communication with Node Mobility and Imperfect
Channel Estimation, IEEE Communication Letters (Citations: 4, Impact Factor: 3.436) .
2021 Tushar S. Muratkar, Ankit Bhurane, Prabhat Kumar Sharma and Ashwin Kothari,Analysis of Multi-Tag Ambient Backscatter Communication under Time-Selective Fading, IEEE Communication Letters (Citations: 2, Impact Factor: 3.436).
2021 Tushar S. Muratkar, Ankit Bhurane, Prabhat Kumar Sharma and Ashwin Kothari, Ambient backscatter communication with mobile RF source for IoT-based applications, AEU-International
Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier (Impact Factor: 3.183).
2020 Tushar S. Muratkar, Ankit Bhurane and Ashwin Kothari, Battery-less internet of things –A survey, Computer Networks, Elsevier (Citations: 17, Impact Factor: 4.474).
Book Chapters
2021 Tushar S. Muratkar, Ankit Bhurane, Ashwin Kothari and Robin Singh Bhadoria, Ambient Backscatter Communication: A Solution for Energy Efficient 5G Enabled Internet of Things, 5G and Beyond The Future of IoT, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
2021 Shivani Chouksey, Tushar S. Muratkar, Ankit Bhurane, Prabhat Sharma, and Ashwin Kothari, Machine Learning in IoT based Ambient BackscatterCommunication System, Futuristic Research Trends and Applications of Internet of Things, CRC Press, Taylor & FrancisGroup.
Conference and Journals
Book Chapter
Book Chapter titled “Analysis of Big Data in Electroencephalography” in HMDAI-2021 Healthcare Monitoring and Data Analysis using IoT published by IET, UK. Book DOI: 10.1049/PBHE038E Chapter DOI: 10.1049/PBHE038E_ch3 ISBN: 9781839534379 e-ISBN: 9781839534386
Area of Research:
Optoelectronics Devices, Semiconductor thin films, Sensors, Optical Communication
Journal Papers:
Book Chapters:
International Conferences: